Monday, 12 November 2012


A fresh angle has just emerged on the not-so-funny drama: The bank MD’s son who is a secondary school student has threatened to commit suicide if his father does not quit the romance and reconcile with his mother!

For starts, we leant that the poor boy who is shocked by his father’s shameful action has embarked on hunger strike. His performance in school has equally gone down and like he warned recently, if his love-struck father remains obstinate, he may take his protest to the extreme by committing suicide. Of course this may sound incredible but some people believe his mother is the one advising him on these actions to get his father to discontinue with the relationship has brought their family so much pain and anguish.

Interestingly, besides the boy’s action, the two families and some close friends have waded into the matter. Particularly the bank MD’s godfather who is also a respected former bank boss.

In his advice to his protégé, he reminded him that nearly all men stray once in a while, but that it should not be at the detriment of his marriage. Using himself as an example, he told the bank MD that he even has a love child outside, but that neither that nor his other dalliances has been able to get him to turn his back on his own family.
The parish priest of the Catholic Church of Assumption, Falomo, Ikoyi, Lagos where the couple worship has equally waded in, advising the man on the dangers of his misbehavior and at the same time begging the woman to come back home and fight the battle from within.

One family friend also advised the woman that upon the resolution of this marital mess, she should examine herself lest there is something that she’s doing which the husband doesn’t like and may have capitalized on to go outside and begin to sleep with another woman, to the extent that he could abandon his family for a mistress.

Alphabets P and J, like we revealed earlier, begin the names of the banker and his wife while the 19th alphabet begins the actress’. All dark in complexion, the banker and the actress are from the South East (the same state actually) while the heart-broken women is from the middle belt.

Bespectacled and easy going, she confided in a friend recently that nothing prepared her for her current travails.

“I never knew that there would come a time when myself and another woman would be fighting over my husband. I mean, I am still in shock over the whole thing. Can’t believe that..could do this to me. Me!”

The woman fist fled to Europe at the height of the marital crisis, and was there for months, nursing her wounds and reaching out to those she believes could talk to her husband. The man is still adamant and madly in love, but from the immense pressure he is currently being subjected to from left right and centre, he may ultimately cave in.

(More on the couple in our next edition

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